Sunday, March 30, 2014

28 Weeks

Hello baby boy GIRL,
So we went to the doctor this week and found out that what we thought was a little boy at 20 weeks is actually a sweet baby girl! I guess you didn't give us a good enough view last time.
I was shocked when we found out you were a boy, and I'm shocked again to find out you are a little girl! I couldn't be more excited, though. I always had a feeling you were a girl and now it just makes sense why I couldn't bring myself to order those boy blankets on Amazon or pick out the fabric for your baby quilt.  It's taking some getting used to switching all my thoughts back to a girl. Girl clothes, girl names, girl colors. But it all makes me so excited!
It all makes more sense why these two pregnancies have been so different, too. From the beginning it kept pointing to girl because everything has been opposite from when I was pregnant with Owen. I got sicker at the beginning. With Owen my skin was so clear the whole time and this time my face has been a wreck! I got headaches in the first trimester, which I didn't get with Owen. And I've been getting pains in my back, tailbone, and hips which didn't happen with Owen. So I guess it's all been different, and not for the better! It's oh, so worth it, though! I guess there's no guarantee, though, until we see you in person. I will be so happy either way!
We got some good views of your cute little face on the ultrasound screen, and it makes me all the more excited to meet you! It looks like you're getting some pretty cute cheeks, we'll see how they compare to your brothers. The doctor says everything looks good and you are growing just how you should be.  
You've mellowed out a lot with the kicking. I feel you move every so often but hardly ever big kicks, maybe your going to be mellow like your big brother was. Your Aunt Brenna will be disappointed if she doesn't get to feel you kick either, though! So maybe you could move around a little bit when we're with her one of these days?
At 28 weeks your the size of 2 pound eggplant! Since the last post, you have learned your directions and can tell if your upside down or rightside up. You're upside down right now and the doctor says you'll most likely stay that way. I hope that's comfortable! Your eyes can open and close, and your lungs are developed enough that you could probably breathe on your own if you came early. Let's keep you cooking a while longer though, okay?
Love you always,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

St. George

 The day after Owen's Birthday we headed to St. George for the weekend. My little sister, Rissy, had a dance competition and we thought it was the perfect excuse to get away on a little vacation. It was fun to lounge around, go swimming, eat out, watch Rissy dance, spend time with family, and get away for a few days. It was just what we needed. I was surprised how well Owen slept in his pack n play each night, and I wasn't at all surprised that he refused to nap the entire time. But he did like to lounge around and watch cartoons, which I guess was good enough.
We all had fun swimming. Even though the water was a little cool. Owen was a little more scared of the water than usual. But he loved being carried around, as long as you didn't hold him too far away from your body or try to set him down on the steps. Silly boy.


These two did such a good job on their dances. They took second place on both of them! And packing Owen's cars and trains was a life saver during the competition. He sat and lined them up forever.
On Sunday on our way home we drove through Snow Canyon and stopped at a few places. Owen loved the sand! 

And the Lava Caves...

Thanks Mom and Dad for inviting us to go with! 

Owen Turns 2!

Last week we celebrated Owen pants second Birthday! I can't believe my little baby boy is growing up so fast! I'll tell ya, things get so fun once they start kind of knowing what's going on. We talked about his Birthday for weeks getting him hyped up talking about balloons and candles and presents. On his Birthday he was so excited. All day he kept singing "Happy to you! Happy dear Owen!" 

We had a fun day with Gracie. We went to the park and had a picnic. We may have had too much fun with the candles and put them in everything he ate that day... and lit them more than once for him to blow out. By the time we were ready for the real deal he was all practiced up. But it still took him a minute to start blowing, I think he was amazed because we turned out the lights and the candles were so bright :)


We decided to keep his Birthday party simple this year, since he doesn't have a lot of friends yet, and most of them are under a year old. We just invited immediate family over for pizza and cupcakes. Owen LOVED having people over to his house and for all the attention to be on him. But when is it not? You should should have seen his face when he saw Brenna, the first person, to show up. He couldn't even talk he was so excited! He couldn't wait for the presents. We could hardly pull him away from them to eat dinner. He was so cute opening them. He wanted to play with everything right away. He gave everyone a big hug after opening their present. And boy did he get spoiled! New hot wheel cars, wedgits, a play bus, new big trucks, a new summer outfit, a new quilt from Grandma Drishinski and a scooter! He's not sure how he feels about the scooter yet, but I'm hoping this summer he'll get into it. I wish I could have captured the look on his face when everyone started singing to him, it was pure bliss.
I can't even imagine how I lived life before Owen. He has brought so much love and life to me and Clark. We are so glad he has given us the gift of parenthood, and we couldn't have asked for a better son :)
And I'm so sad my new phone camera sucks so bad! So sorry about all the crappy pictures :(
and p.s. How did I not get a picture of Hannah and Ty Ty? They were there too, promise.

Owen bud,
I can't believe you are two!! You are growing up so fast, and I am in love with the boy you are growing into. You are stubborn. When you get you're mind set on something there is no telling you otherwise. Like when I try to convince you the juice is orange and you give me a look like I have no idea what I'm talking about and say "no, lellow juice" You are getting so talkative. You are always chattering, and most the time I can figure out what you're saying. Some of my favorite things that you say are "yeah, okay! Good idea!" Whenever we finally get what you are saying, like we were the ones to come up with it in the first place. You always say "momma get it" when you are feeling too lazy to get something yourself, or when your nose or bum itches. "Bum bum itchy. Momma get it" hahaha. I love how you think you can count by saying "one, three, one... three, one!" But you actually do know all your colors. You are seriously such a smarty pants And those cheeks!! Everyone told me they'd be gone before I knew it, but I'm so glad you've held on to them so far. There's not a single person I've met that doesn't just dies over them. I love your run, you sure know how to get those hips moving! You keep me and your dad laughing all day. You love playing hide and seek. You hide and say "Momma where ah you?" You love lining up your cars. You love getting chased by your daddy. You love your kitty. I hope you never lose your enthusiasm for life. You are always so happy, and I can't help but be happy when I'm with you. You make me the luckiest mom, I wish I could tell you all that you mean to me, but there aren't enough words. I hope you had the Best Birthday.
Love you forever and ever,
Putting Owen to bed for the last time as a one year old

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finger Painting

I found these pictures in my phone and wanted to hurry and blog about it before I forgot about them. 
Me and Owen had a blast making cute valentines cards this year, and he had a blast finger painting afterwards. It took him a long time to get into it, my little OCD boy does NOT like messes. I couldn't get him to touch the paint, let alone let me get a few good hand prints.  But after convincing him it was okay he had a ball! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Baby Bump Kisses

I thought about posting this photo today and then decided it might be a little TMI for Instagram. So now it gets it's own post :)

Owen has been so cute about the baby lately, he's always trying to dig through the layers of clothes to find the baby. Then he gives my belly a kiss and pulls my shirt back down and says "baby away" 

And man do those moments remind me that this is all worth while. I've been trying not to complain about this pregnancy, especially on here. And really, I don't have too much to complain about. It's been a pretty easy pregnancy. Not as easy as last time, but still not too shabby. But today was just one of those days, ya know? Where every single step seemed too hard to do. I could barely bend over to get the clothes out of the washer, and when I went in to give Owen a kiss goodnight I couldn't bend over the crib low enough to reach his cheek. When I went to fold the laundry it took me 5 minutes to get up off the floor afterwards. And by the end of the day I broke down in tears because I'm so gosh darn exhausted. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has days like this at only 26 weeks?! 

But then when I think about the sweet baby that's in there, how could I be anything but happy? And all the days like today, only make me love him more. 

Monday, March 3, 2014


Have I mentioned that Owen LOVES to be outside? And with all this warm weather lately, that's the only place he wants to be. It's a melt down every morning while he cries by the door in his pajamas begging for it. He loves to "shwing" and to play with the balls. He loves to walk down to the water at grandma and grandpa's and throw boats (leaves) in and watch them float away, and to play with the wagon ("blue car").
My aunt Sheyla gave us a little tikes car, and let me tell ya, for three days it was hard to get him to talk about anything else.
Man, he is my favorite. He is teaching me to enjoy all the small things. And I am the luckiest to get to spend my days with him. I can't wait for it to REALLY warm up, for swimming and splash pads and snow cones and vacations and baby :)