Monday, July 14, 2014

Catching Up

I've fallen behind on posting all the things we've been doing this summer! I had big plans for lots of posts but that's probably not going to happen so here's the rundown version....

Clark's Grandpa Drishinski passed away on July 3rd. It was a loong drive to Montana with two kids. It's a 9 hour drive but we stopped every 3 hours to feed Nora. 
I'm not sure if I ever even met Clark's Grandpa. I'm sure I did, that summer that we lived there. But I can't remember? The funeral was so nice though. He was a good man. They talked about how gentle he was, and how he loved animals. He would save bumble bees from the bucket of water in his barn and put them out on the fence to dry. His bishop talked about when he got hurt and was worried about cutting his hay, Jim showed up and did it for him, without a word said. 
It was a quick trip, we didn't get to stay long. But Owen had a ball staying at "Grama Headers and Bampa Jim's" it was the first time he's been to Montana. It's sad it took us a funeral to get up there. It wasn't the best circumstances, but it was good getting to see everyone and letting Owen and Nora meet a lot of family we don't see very often. 
And that picture of Owen. Have you ever seen a kid look so grown up?! 

For family night we grabbed a pizza and headed up the canyon to hike the grotto. We got lots of compliments on our cute kids :) and besides locking the keys in the car and having to ask some strangers to call my dad when they got in to service to come save us... It was a successful trip. 

Nora turned 6 weeks old so I took the opportunity to put her in her cutest ever lace romper from her aunts and grandma and pretend I know how to take pictures. She's pretty cute. 

Owen completed his first session of swim lessons. If anything he learned to lay on his back in the tub so it's not torture every single time trying to rinse his shampoo out. My mom watched Nora so we were able to get some one on one time, which I needed just as much as Owen. We got snow cones ("ice cones") every single day and tried lots of new flavors. 

These pictures are so terrible, but we had fun watching fireworks with Hannah and Tyler on the 24th of July. 

Over the weekend of the 24th Hannah and Tyler invited us to go camping with them to Vernon reservoir while the rest of the family got to go to Lake Powell. We had a blast playing at the lake and going on four wheeling rides! The last picture is of a Owen chasing a squirrel. And yes, he is pantless and shoeless in the middle of the wilderness. Because we're awesome parents like that. 

And lastly, we got to go check out the new aquarium. The kids had a blast. Favorites were the sharks, anaconda, and otters. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Travie Got Married

My one and only brother got married. We've always wondered what kind of girl Travis would end up with. We knew she would have to be pretty brave to come into a family full of girls. We wondered if she'd be a tom girl or girly. Travis never really brought girls home so I didn't even know what his type was. But after I met Angie, I knew she was exactly his type. They are perfect for each other. And their wedding was perfect, too. 
One of the pluses of having your brother get married four days after your due date is all your family from out of town gets to be there to see the new babe. 
The downfalls are that you miss out on all the fun things they are doing because, hello, you just had a baby. And also you get to take a 12 day old baby to a wedding. At least Nora decided to come early so I didn't have to take a 4 day old baby to a wedding. I'm so glad everything worked out and I was able to be there. And Nora was an angel. She just ate and slept through the whole day. But the highlight of the day for me was when a random girl saw me pushing Nora in the stroller and came up and could not believe I just had a baby, because I looked so awesome because, hello? Who doesn't like hearing that?! No matter how untrue it is. 

I am beyond jealous that they got to be sealed by Grandpa Sam. If there is anything I would change about my wedding day, that would be it (but I wouldn't change anything because it was perfect the way it was, right? No. I would probably change lots of things. Like my hair. What was I thinking?!) 
Owen was in cousin heaven all week. I was nervous for him. First he was getting used to having a sister take away mom and dad's attention and then he was going to have cousins around to take away grandma and grandpas attention. I wasn't sure how he was going to handle it. But he loved having them around!! It makes me really sad he doesn't have any cousins close by. Travis and Angie better stick around seeing as how every other married couple isn't (or won't be soon. Hannah. :( ) I sure love living so close to home, but I hate not having everyone here. 
At least weddings bring everyone together! Happy marriage to Travis and Angie, I sure love you both!

^^ this is what cousin heaven looks like 

^^ this is what we did whisk everyone got the house and yard ready. :) 

^^ Ah, I die. They NEED to move back!

^^ we haven't quite figured out how to take a decent picture of the four of us. 

^^ ha ha. I love our crazy family (I had to steal this, Hannah!) 

^^ they are going to make beautiful babies. Maybe as beautiful as mine ;)

^^ our sleepy kids. 

^^ Nora's in a milk coma :) also, I'm so jealous of Hannah's hair. Like, so jealous!

^^ fun at the reception. Owen loved that shy seat. But he hated that it was "messy"

^^ Grandpa and Grandma Bennie with their two great grand babies. Only 4 weeks apart (I think?)
^^ Grandma Lois loved showing off Nora Ruth. 
^^ one of the only pictures I took of the couple. At their own wedding lol. 
^^ it's about impossible to get a picture of this kid that's not blurry. He is always moving! 
^^see?! Blurry. 
^^ lily loved holding Nora. She is such a cute little mommy :)

4th of July camping trip

Over the Fourth of July my family went camping up payson canyon. We went up for dinner Thursday night and Clark and Owen stayed while Nora and I went home to sleep. On Friday we spent all day up there. Nora and I went back up at about noon and I couldn't believe how dirty Owen already was! He loved sitting in the dirt and filling the new tractors grandma got up with rocks. We walked to the devils kitchen and hung out and chatted and ate all day. We weren't planning on it, but ended up staying that night, too. It wasn't ideal taking care if Nora in the freezing cold in a tent in the middle of the night, but it wasn't as bad as you'd think. We were just having too much fun to come home! The next day we hung out and had horse shoe tournaments. 

^^devils kitchen. 

^^ look at that dirty face!

^^ Owen had so much fun playing with the Lybbert's grandson, Knox. "Okay, I'll say marshmallow and then you laugh, okay?" :)

^^all bundled up and staying warm around the fire. 
^^ Owen has been looking so grown up to me lately. Look at those long, skinny legs! 
^^ he couldn't get enough of those tractors! 
^^ focusing on aunt Hannah. And I swear she smiled at grandma. Like, a real non gassy smile. 

Nora: one month

In Nora's first month...

She's Gone to a wedding
And a funeral
Spent three days on a bilirubin bed
Still rocking the newborn clothes and diapers
Gone on her first overnight camping trip
Gone on two 9 hour car rides (Montana and back)
Loves bath time and being carried in her sling
Usually sleeps for one 4 hour and one 3 hour stretch at night 
Is such a good baby... As long as she is being held
Weighs 9 pounds