Friday, November 2, 2012


I was so excited for Halloween this year! Having a baby makes everything more fun. I couldn't wait to put Owen in his costume and show him off. I know the Halloweens to come will get more and more exciting as he begins to know what's going on and can get excited himself.

He made the cutest little bat I've ever seen, and everyone loved him. It was impossible to get a good picture though...

All the picture taking paid of though and we ended up with a few good ones...

My little Jack-O-Lantern

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea...

A Very Merry Unbirthday to you!

I can't believe we've hit the half year mark! It's the milestone that seemed SO far away, I never thought it would sneak up so fast. My sweet, sleepy newborn baby turned into a colicky, crying baby who turned into the funnest and happiest little 6 monther I've ever seen.
And he is growing so big!! He now weighs 17 pounds and is 25 inches long. Which puts him in the 50th percentile for weight and 25th for height. Poor little boy is going to be a shorty. Luckily, the doctors office was out of a couple of his vaccinations so he got out of that today.

Owen is now a sitter. What?! 

Now I will to copy my awesome sister Amy Jo and write a letter. Cuz of all the great ideas she has, this is her best.

Owen Wade,
I can't believe you are already 6 months old! It came up so fast, but then again I feel like you have always been my little boy. You are seriously my sunshine. You make me so happy and I can't help but smile when I see your cute gummy smile. I love it when I say your name and you look around the room for my face. I love how anxious you are to grow. I can see you looking at older kids and wanting to be doing what they are doing. You want to be going! I know when you learn to crawl you will be everywhere! I love how cuddly you are sometimes. You have to be in the right mood, but when you are you are my little cuddle bug and I love it! I love how you try to grab EVERYTHING! The first thing you do when I set you down is look around for  what can get your hands on. I love how you play with my hair, but I don't love when you pull it! I love how excited you get when you see your bottle, you are such a good eater! And you know, I don't even mind getting up with you umpteen times each and every night. Because you're worth it. You are the best first son I could have asked for. You let me learn, and make mistakes, and you forgive me when I do the wrong thing. This has been the best 6 months, and I can't wait for you to grow and learn. I'm so excited to see the boy you grow up to be. If it's anything like the baby you are, you're gonna be one smart and good lookin' kid. I love you!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lake Powell

A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to go to Lake Powell with my family. My dad bought a boat last fall and he's tried to take it out every chance he gets. We've gone to Mona Res a lot  but we were all excited to go to Lake Powell for a few days. We had so much fun and it was nice to spend time with almost the whole family (Dyllan couldn't take work off) before Amy and Jeff headed back to Ohio. I was a little nervous that it wouldn't be very much fun with a baby, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was and aside from having to stay on the beach with a sleeping Owen while everyone else went exploring and cliff diving, he wasn't too much work. Owen loved being outside so much and liked getting in the water when he got too hot and luckily, he didn't get a single sunburn.
We went boating, knee boarding, tubing, ate TONS of junk food, swam on the beach, went night swimming with glow in the dark sticks, and jumped off the boat every time it stopped. My nieces, Kaleigh and Lily, had so much fun and LOVED being in the water.
 It's crazy how much our family is changing. We are not a bunch of little kids anymore. We are all growing up, getting married, having kids. Hannah is graduated from high school. But I'm glad we can all still get together and have just as much fun.
Owen loved the boat ride to the camp spot
he loved the water too!

and sleeping and snuggling all night long in the tent.

Owen with his Daddy.
I had so much fun on our first vacation with this cute guy.

Cute Aunt Brenna

I sure miss this cute girl!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In five months...

Owen has more than doubled his weight.
Grown 4 inches.
Learned how to grab things with his hands.. and feet.
Can and will grab anything within reach.
Sucks on his toes.
Can sit up using his hands for balance.
Can sit perfectly in the bumbo.
Can roll over both from back to tummy and tummy to back.
Squeels when tickled.
Can focus on anything, even a fly buzzing around.
Can sometimes go more than 2 hours without eating.
Is eating rice cereal.
Smiles A LOT :)
Has gotten into somewhat of a napping schedule.
Has stopped sleeping good at night (we're hoping this is just a phase!)
Can pick up his binky and put it in his mouth.
Loves being thrown in the air.
Is making new noises (dadada, bababa...)

 In five months I have...
Gotten over my fear of taking Owen to the store.
Made it through all three hours of church, even if it has only been a couple times.
Learned how to do pretty much anything one handed (laundry, putting on make up, vacuuming...)
Learned how to get ready before noon everyday.
Gotten more used to leaving Owen to go to work, but it's still hard :(
Loved every second with my little guy.

 I'd say it's been a pretty productive five months! I can't wait to see everything we can do in the next five!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Look at Owen grow!

A whole bunch of pictures...
(I thought I did a good job taking weekly pictures but now that I put them all together I've realized I've missed some chunks. Sad.)

Two days old in his coming home outfit

5 days

9 days

3 1/2 weeks

4 weeks old

4 1/2 weeks (1 month!)

6 1/2 weeks on his blessing day

7 weeks in his pajamas

8 weeks

8 1/2 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks

12 weeks

13 weeks

16 weeks

Monday, July 16, 2012

Owen's Blessing

Owen was blessed on May 6th by his daddy. It was Clark's very first oppurtunity to give a blessing as a dad and he did such a great job! Owen, the little stinker, cried through the whole thing and made Clark have a hard time concentrating but you could tell he was trying hard to listen to the spirit and still was able to say what he needed to say. I am so lucky to have a husband who holds the priesthood and I am so proud of what a great job he did! 

I am also so lucky to have so much family close who is always so supportive. I am not sure if I remember everyone who stood in the circle but among them were: My dad, Travis, Uncle Dan, Owen's Grandpa Bob and Great Grandpa Sam, Clark's Dad and Grandpa, Clark's cousins Matt and Sean, and Gus and Clint...

Afterwards we all gathered at my familys house for BBQ pork sandwiches, salads, and desserts. My parents were awesome and pretty much planned the whole thing, made the pork, and let us have it at their house. They are awesome.
He LOVED getting dressed in his blessing outfit. not!

Proud momma

It only looks like Clark is trying to suffocate him. He was really just holding his binky in.

My family

Grandma and Grandpa Menlove were so proud

I was so glad Great Grandpa Sam and Grandma Bennie could come

G.G. and Grandpa Bob
(Don't ask me why Clark and I are posing so weird. I have no idea why Clark is turned sideways and I look like I've never held a baby before.)

The gang at My family's house afterwards.

The best friends in the whole world.

Four Generations of Drishinskis.