>>> Clark and I celebrated our 4th anniversary
>>> We found out our little baby was a boy (or so we thought)
>>> Clark turned the big 2-5!

>>> We spent Presidents Day shooting guns and four wheeling
>>> We went and saw the Ice Castles
>>> We spent lots of time outside after being couped up all winter

>>> Owen turned TWO!
>>> We got a shock when we found out the baby in my tummy was a girl, not a boy.
>>> We took a trip to St. George to see Rissy dance and to get some sun.

>>> Owen got a big boy bed.
>>> I made a quilt for our baby girl
>>> We celebrated a wonderful Easter

>>> We went on a couple last adventures as a family of three
>>> My belly continued to grow bigger, and bigger.
>>> Had a great Mothers Day

>>> Met my family up the canyon at their campsite for some canoeing.
>>> Welcomed sweet Nora into our family
>>> Travis got married!

>>> Owen completed his first year of swimming lessons
>>> We went on a couple camping trips with our newborn
>>> Went to the aquarium.

>>> Got a visit from the Drishinskis
>>> Spent a lot of time at home, learning how to take care of two kids
>>> Clark blessed Nora

>>> Owen and Clark went on their first over night Father and Sons camp out
>>> Celebrated Paysons Onion Days
>>> Owen went bowling.
>>> Enjoyed some fall festivities
>>> Had a fun Halloween
>>> Started major renovations on our new home

>>> Had fun during the first snow of the season.
>>> Found a tree during the annual Christmas Tree Hunt.
>>> Travelled to Montana to say goodbye to Grandpa Jim.

>>> Celebrated Christmas as a family of four
>>> Went on lots of Christmas outings to see temple square, Festival of Lights, and Salem pond.
>>> Met Santa Claus.
Whew! What I year!! I feel like I just barely wrote this post for last year! That was a year ago! (Well over a year, because I've been a slacker..) But looking at where my life was a year ago, I can't believe how much has changed! Obviously, we added a baby to the mix, so that's bound to change things up a bit! We all love Nora so much. Mine and Clark's relationship has grown stronger than I thought possible. Owen is turning into a full fledged kid. We are building our house! Looking at my life, I can't help but feel so blessed! I am living my dream. Right here and now.
I've been thinking a lot about New Years Resolutions. I don't usually get in to it. Like, I think of a few things I should work on but I never really decide on specific things or write them down and I usually forget about them the next day. This year I have thought of 5 things that I really want to work on. I'm going to work really hard to make these happen!
1. Get in shape. I don't want to go crazy over working out or eating healthy. I really don't think my body is all that out of shape but I do want to work out more than I have been, which is not at all. I want to feel good about my body and I want to be in shape by the time I get pregnant again. I want to get a gym membership. But also Nora has been sleeping really awful at night so I don't know if I can talk my self into that quite yet...
2. Be patient with the kids and Clark. I have the worst patience ever. But I want to learn to keep my cool and not freak out so much.
3. Save money. Self explanatory. I need to be better at staying in the budget and not spending money on stupid stuff.
4. Read the Book of Mormon. I'm so embarrassed to say that I have never read The Book of Mormon on my own from front to back. So I'm going to do it.
5. Family Home Evening. We've never done family home evening. Besides saying "it's Monday night, so let's go get some ice cream!" So we are going to start.
This is going to be the best year yet!
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