When our plans fell through to go to Yellowstone last weekend we still wanted to do something fun so we packed up and headed to Park City. We stayed in a hotel, shopped the outlet mall, walked historic main, and went swimming.
A weekend away with my two boys was exactly what I've been needing. And with only one emotional breakdown from this pregnant momma over where to eat, I'd say it was a success. We had so much fun! And it just goes to prove you can have fun anywhere, it doesn't need to be some big vacation.
And Owen L-O-V-E-D it. He loved staying in a hotel and having all of mom and dad's attention. He loved running down the hall to get ice and pushing the buttons for the elevator. He loved the pool and the hot tub. And he loved taking showers after. Just thinking about it makes me want to go back right now.
^^ He loved having his towel on like daddy's
^^ Don't mind me looking like a huge whale.
We came home on Sunday and since Clark had already taken Monday off he still didn't go in. We had a great day together. We hiked the Grotto, went to Mcdonald's and let Owen play on the playplace, and then we went to Thanksgiving Points Farm Country. Owen loved seeing all the animals but refused to touch any of them, not even the bunnies. We forced him to ride a pony which he was mad about but ended up loving it and talking about it for days after.
It's crazy that in less than a month our little family is going to be growing. I'm treasuring these moments we get to have with just our little Owen before our lives change. I know it will definitely be changing for the better, but it's still bittersweet.

^^ Look at how mad he looks! He was not amused.
^^ but he ended up loving it. I knew he would
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