I'm finally getting around to writing about Easter. It was such a good one! On Friday we went to Aunt Sheyla's to decorate eggs.
On Saturday Owen woke up so tired. We couldn't get him to do anything but sit on the couch and he took two naps by 1 o'clock! We're not sure if it was a little bug, teething, or just all the naps he wasn't taking catching up to him. We still went to the Easter party for the Sam side at my family's house but he didn't really get into the Easter Egg Hunt or the candy. It was still fun though. My parents made café rio salads which were so yummy! And it was fun to see everyone. My cousin's wife, Amber, is due a few weeks before me and it was fun talking pregnancy with her. :)

On Sunday Owen woke up feeling much better but still wouldn't eat anything. We came downstairs to his Easter basket full of goodies, a train, side walk chalk, and a book. We went to Sacrament but decided not to stay for the rest in case he did have some sort of bug.

On Sunday afternoon we headed to my grandparents for the Menlove Easter Party. Owen got a little bit more into finding the eggs, but he still didn't care about the candy. Crazy boy. Since then, though, he loves his easter basket. Everytime he sees it on top of the fridge he says "basket! Want basket!" he loved eating the candy out of the eggs and now he likes taking a drink out of them every night after he brushes his teeth.

It was such a great weekend. The weather was beautiful, and it's always fun spending so much time with family. I know that Easter is long over, but I am so grateful for the holiday and for the reminder of the Savior and his role in our lives. Although I didn't participate I loved all the #becauseofhim posts on instagram. When you stop to think about it, everything we have and everything we get to do is because of Him. I am so grateful for my life and my sweet little family. Clark, Owen, and this new little one mean everything to me. I love being a wife and mom. And although most the time I feel like I am no where near the person I should be, I am so glad that because of the Savior and his sacrifice for me I get to live and try each day to be better than the last. Becoming a mom has taught me so much about the Saviors love for me. I would do anything for my two babies. There's not many people I would give up my sleep, my body, and my sanity for. But I'm happy to do it, and I even feel like I would still give up so much more. I know that's how the Savior feels about each of us. He gave his life for us, and he would still give up more. He loves us, plain and simple, no matter what.
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