We mostly just hung out and chatted. We went on a couple canoe rides and watched the crazy high school kids jump off the rope swings. Owen was more than happy to play in the trailer and fill his toy tractor up with rocks. In fact, it was hard to get him to do anything else!
Friday, May 30, 2014
Memorial Day Fun
This last weekend was Memorial Day and we went camping with my family to Burrastons Pond. Owen has been dying to go camping in Grandpas new "big traila" and he had a blast eating way to much junk food and getting way too little sleep. This new trailer is big enough to set up the pack n play so that made it a lot more successful than our last camping trip! And considering I'm 37 weeks pregnant, it wasn't toooo miserable.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
36 weeks
You've been growing in my belly for over 36 weeks now! The end is so close! I'm getting so anxious to meet you, it's probably going to make for a LONG 4 weeks. It's okay though because there is still a few things I need to do:
finish making your bedding
make banner for nursery
buy curtains
buy girly burp cloths
wash the bedding for the cradle
buy newborn onesies
take all the boxes out of the nursery
pack hospital bag
wash your coming home outfit
and the list goes on and on. Sorry your momma is always putting everything off till the last minute. You'll hopefully get used to that.
We've all been sick in our house for the last week. I think we've finally kicked it except your poor dad. We're all hoping he gets better soon because I don't know if he'll be able to handle it if he doesn't get to love on you!
I went to our 36 week doctors appointment today, everything is looking great! The Doctor said he'll plan on seeing me at the hospital somewhere around June 10th. I think he was mostly kidding though ;) But I am so grateful that everything has gone so perfectly smooth so far, and I pray everyday that things will continue to go the same and that you will be healthy and strong.
I love you baby!
buy newborn onesies
take all the boxes out of the nursery
pack hospital bag
wash your coming home outfit
and the list goes on and on. Sorry your momma is always putting everything off till the last minute. You'll hopefully get used to that.
We've all been sick in our house for the last week. I think we've finally kicked it except your poor dad. We're all hoping he gets better soon because I don't know if he'll be able to handle it if he doesn't get to love on you!
I went to our 36 week doctors appointment today, everything is looking great! The Doctor said he'll plan on seeing me at the hospital somewhere around June 10th. I think he was mostly kidding though ;) But I am so grateful that everything has gone so perfectly smooth so far, and I pray everyday that things will continue to go the same and that you will be healthy and strong.
I love you baby!
Friday, May 23, 2014
Our Weekend Getaway
When our plans fell through to go to Yellowstone last weekend we still wanted to do something fun so we packed up and headed to Park City. We stayed in a hotel, shopped the outlet mall, walked historic main, and went swimming.
A weekend away with my two boys was exactly what I've been needing. And with only one emotional breakdown from this pregnant momma over where to eat, I'd say it was a success. We had so much fun! And it just goes to prove you can have fun anywhere, it doesn't need to be some big vacation.
And Owen L-O-V-E-D it. He loved staying in a hotel and having all of mom and dad's attention. He loved running down the hall to get ice and pushing the buttons for the elevator. He loved the pool and the hot tub. And he loved taking showers after. Just thinking about it makes me want to go back right now.
^^ He loved having his towel on like daddy's
^^ Don't mind me looking like a huge whale.
We came home on Sunday and since Clark had already taken Monday off he still didn't go in. We had a great day together. We hiked the Grotto, went to Mcdonald's and let Owen play on the playplace, and then we went to Thanksgiving Points Farm Country. Owen loved seeing all the animals but refused to touch any of them, not even the bunnies. We forced him to ride a pony which he was mad about but ended up loving it and talking about it for days after.
It's crazy that in less than a month our little family is going to be growing. I'm treasuring these moments we get to have with just our little Owen before our lives change. I know it will definitely be changing for the better, but it's still bittersweet.

^^ Look at how mad he looks! He was not amused.
^^ but he ended up loving it. I knew he would
Monday, May 12, 2014
34 weeks
Dear baby,
You've been growing in my tummy now for 34 (almost 35) weeks. Less than 2 months to go! I keep getting the feeling that you're going to make your entrance a little early. Or maybe that's just me hoping.. But I know the longer you keep cookin in there the better, so feel free to take your time. Plus, the longer you stay in there the longer we have to hopefully decide on a name for you!
At 34 weeks you're the size of a 5 pound butternut squash and you're 17 to 18 inches long. You're going to keep gaining 1/2 a pound a week until delivery, and I'll keep gaining about a pound a week. I'm trying to love my pregnant body that you call home. Every extra pound of it.
This week you also started recognizing voices. It's so cute when Owen is close and you start kicking like crazy. You love him already :)
Yesterday was Mother's Day and I am so lucky to be the mom of you two chilluns. You give my life a purpose. I love you to the moon and back,
Friday, May 9, 2014
Being a Mom
To me, being a mom means...
No matter how hard I try to keep the house clean, there will always be at least a couple toys out and finger smudges on the walls and mirrors.
Half the clothes in my closet are probably dirty.
I live by someone else's schedule.
I always put someone elses needs and wants before my own, even if I don't always want to.
I never have a second to myself. When I go to the bathroom, there's someone right behind the door wanting in. When I take a shower there's always a head peeking in.
It means giving up my body. My young, stretch mark free body with narrow hips and boobs that could hold themselves up.
It means constant worrying. About their health, safety, whether I'm doing the right things..
It means endless sleepless nights. Whether I'm up with a crying baby, up worrying about my baby, or up with the aches and pains if pregnancy.
It means always having songs from cartoons stuck in my head.
It means when I "share" a piece of toast, I eat all the edges so he can have the yummy middle.
It means "sharing" everything.
Being a mom means sacrifice.
But it also means...
I get to be someone's hero.
My kisses make everything all better.
It's my voice that can soothe him to sleep.
It's my face he looks for at the park when he conquers his fear and goes down the slide all by himself
It's me he runs to when he's feeling scared or shy.
It's me he puts all his trust in.
It's me he shares all their dreams with. Even if right now all that is is swinging on all his favorite swing sets or going to swim in Grandpas hot tub. They're his dreams!
It means I have all the right curves to snuggle up against.
It means getting the most happiness out of the smallest thing. Like listening to his laugh, or his cute little voice.
It means I get to be part of the miracle of growing a little human inside me.
It means God trusts me enough to care for these sweet spirits.
It means never being alone.
It means having a heart so full sometimes I think it's going to burst.
Being a mom is the greatest blessing I could have ever hoped for. Every single part of it.
Happy Mothers Day!
Monday, May 5, 2014
Easter 2014
I'm finally getting around to writing about Easter. It was such a good one! On Friday we went to Aunt Sheyla's to decorate eggs.
On Saturday Owen woke up so tired. We couldn't get him to do anything but sit on the couch and he took two naps by 1 o'clock! We're not sure if it was a little bug, teething, or just all the naps he wasn't taking catching up to him. We still went to the Easter party for the Sam side at my family's house but he didn't really get into the Easter Egg Hunt or the candy. It was still fun though. My parents made café rio salads which were so yummy! And it was fun to see everyone. My cousin's wife, Amber, is due a few weeks before me and it was fun talking pregnancy with her. :)

On Sunday Owen woke up feeling much better but still wouldn't eat anything. We came downstairs to his Easter basket full of goodies, a train, side walk chalk, and a book. We went to Sacrament but decided not to stay for the rest in case he did have some sort of bug.

On Sunday afternoon we headed to my grandparents for the Menlove Easter Party. Owen got a little bit more into finding the eggs, but he still didn't care about the candy. Crazy boy. Since then, though, he loves his easter basket. Everytime he sees it on top of the fridge he says "basket! Want basket!" he loved eating the candy out of the eggs and now he likes taking a drink out of them every night after he brushes his teeth.

It was such a great weekend. The weather was beautiful, and it's always fun spending so much time with family. I know that Easter is long over, but I am so grateful for the holiday and for the reminder of the Savior and his role in our lives. Although I didn't participate I loved all the #becauseofhim posts on instagram. When you stop to think about it, everything we have and everything we get to do is because of Him. I am so grateful for my life and my sweet little family. Clark, Owen, and this new little one mean everything to me. I love being a wife and mom. And although most the time I feel like I am no where near the person I should be, I am so glad that because of the Savior and his sacrifice for me I get to live and try each day to be better than the last. Becoming a mom has taught me so much about the Saviors love for me. I would do anything for my two babies. There's not many people I would give up my sleep, my body, and my sanity for. But I'm happy to do it, and I even feel like I would still give up so much more. I know that's how the Savior feels about each of us. He gave his life for us, and he would still give up more. He loves us, plain and simple, no matter what.
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