How far along: 37 weeks & 3 days ( although the picture is from a week ago)
Total weight gain: too much. I can't remember my exact pre pregnancy weight but I've gained around 30 pounds.
Maternity clothes: oh yes! When I was pregnant with Nora I refused to buy any maternity clothes and I felt uncomfortable and fat the whole time so I did it different this time around. I've been exclusively in maternity pants since at least 20 weeks.
Stretch marks: just the ones around my hips I got with my first pregnancy.
Sleep: sleep? I don't sleep that great. I get up a couple times to pee, and to give Nora her binky. But I do usually get a nap every day while Nora naps and Owen watches tv.
Miss anything: just being able to walk normal and pick things up.
Movement: not so much. This baby is super mellow. At first it made me nervous but now I'm used to it. I'll feel little movements during the day and sometimes when I'm relaxing at night I'll feel some good kicks. The doctor says the head is sitting super low so when he/she does move I can definitely feel it "down there" which isn't the most fun.
Food cravings: not really. I do love a big glass of milk. That's all I can think of.
Anything making you feel quesy or sick: nope. When I first found out I was pregnant we had just moved into our new house so all those "new house" smells made me super quesy. And all my scentsy scents. And most soaps. I did love the smell of coconut though. And I couldn't stand soda. But I'm over it.
Symptoms: Heartburn, leg cramps, the muscles on the top of my stomach HURT, the doctor says it's from my belly weighing them down ha! Swollen feet, and just being uncomfortable in general.
Are you showing: uh yeah. Ha ha I started to show super early.
Gender: we don't know, and I'm dying to find out!
Labor signs: Braxton hicks. At my last appointment the doctor said I was dialated to a 1-2 and 80% effaced. And like I said before, the head is super low so sometimes I feel like he/she is just going to fall out. TMI?
Innie or outie: full blown outie.
Wedding rings on or off: off. Which is sad because I just got a new band and I can't even wear it. And my feet are so swollen too.
Happy or moody most of the time: moody but I think that's just normal for me. Ha ha!
Looking forward to: seeing this baby! I want to know if it's a boy or girl and how much hair he/she has.
This pregnancy has been stressful with taking care of two kids and trying to get our house done. I feel like I haven't been able to enjoy it as much, but we moved into the addition last week and things have started to slow down slightly so hopefully I'll really be able to relax and enjoy these last couple of weeks.
First of all, your dress is stinkin adorable! As is this post! I can't wait to meet little one and this may be sad but I'm DYING to know the gender as well...mostly so I know if Carter has a buddy or a girlfriend!! 😉 lol Either way I am super excited for you! 😊