I feel so grateful that I am blessed with this body that's able to get pregnant quickly, have easy (ish) pregnancies, and easy and quick deliveries. I know so many are not blessed in those ways and I know it must be hard. James has been such a blessing in our lives already. He has a sweet little spirit and makes the perfect addition to our growing little family.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Meet Our James
On Saturday evening, October 17th, we went to Jakers pumpkin patch with the kids. It was a rainy day and all the way there I was thinking that we should just turn around, but we got there and the rain let up and we had so much fun! I'm so glad we went because not even realizing it then that was our last night as a family of four and I'm glad we got out and did something fun and the kids had a blast! So we got home around 6 or 7 and I started getting some pretty uncomfortable contractions. I had the thought that tonight might be the night so I tried to really cherish putting the kids to bed. We all sat on Owens bed while Clark read bedtime stories. Then Clark put Nora to bed (this has become his thing since we started laying her down instead of rocking her.. Which I couldn't handle doing lol) and I laid with Owen and continued to feel contractions. After the kids were in bed Clark and I watched Friends. After one episode I finally told Clark I was having contractions. I had had three during that episode which is less than 10 minutes apart! My parents were in Japan and my sister Brenna mentioned that she might stay the night at their house after work so I texted to ask if that was the plan. I was hoping she was in case she had to come over and stay with the kids, but didn't want to say anything yet. Then the contractions started to go away. I was pretty relieved because I was not ready! I hadn't packed my hospital bag, there were still things coming in the mail for the coming home outfit, and I had loads and loads of laundry that had to be done. But I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. We went to bed at 10:00 and as soon as we laid down the contractions came back, pretty hard. Clark fell asleep instantly (as usual), I laid through about three contractions and then got up. I took a nice long hot shower. At midnight I finally woke Clark up and said that I think it was time to go to the hospital. I texted Brenna to come over and started to pack a bag. The contractions were hard but still not super painful, which made me worried I would get sent home. With the other two I started getting contractions and they got progressively more painful really quickly so this was different. We got in the car and I got another one, I had to get out and stand up through it. It was still pretty rainy as we drove to Provo and I had a few freak outs on the way there. What if it's a girl?! What will we name her?! What if it's a boy?! Ah! I tried to breath through each contraction and think about my kids, my happy place. We got checked in, and to our room and the nurse came in. At 1:00 She checked me and said I was dialated to a 5 and 80% effaced. At my last doctors appointment I was at a 1 and 80% effaced so I was a little disappointed that I hadn't progressed too much. She would come back and check in an hour and see if I was going to stay. She asked if I was planning on an epidural and I said no. I had been thinking about it this entire pregnancy and really wanted to try to go natural. She asked if I had taken any classes or anything and I said no. I knew she thought I was crazy. I only lasted about half an hour before I was calling her back in begging for the epidural. Ha! Who was I kidding thinking I could go unmedicated. As soon as those contractions came on strong I was grabbing the bed rail and I remember I just kept saying "please, please" begging Clark and the nurses and anybody around to please do something! The nurse checked me again and said I had progressed enough that I was staying and said they would get the anesthesiologist and oh boy was I glad to see him. It was a hard epidural to get since the contractions were coming 2 minutes apart and they were SO hard to sit still through. He kept trying to get me to lay on my side and I just couldn't do it. But as soon as I got it and it started kicking in I was in H E A V E N!! Oh my goodness, it was the best feeling ever, like this warm feeling going through my body and the contractions went away and I felt so calm and relaxed. why I ever thought I didn't want an epidural is beyond me. I loved it. And this epidural was especially awesome because I could still move my legs! I literally wanted to tell that man that I loved him. After that it was smooth sailing. There was a shift change and I got another nurse. They continued to check me periodically. We tried to get some rest and I may have fell asleep for a minute. When my cervix was gone they said they were going to let the baby start to descend through the birth canal on its own, without me pushing. They called it "rest and descend" I think. Doctor Dewey showed up and they broke my water. I pushed once and the baby's head was out! I pushed one more time and that was it! 5:30 am I heard the doctor say "it's a boy!" I was shocked! I don't know if I was secretly thinking it was a girl, or if I would have been just as surprised if the doctor said it was a girl but I couldn't believe it! A boy! Clark and I shared a look of excitement. They cut the cord and instantly laid him on my chest. I know I say this every time, but that is always by far the best experience. You look at this precious little baby who is literally straight from heaven and you can feel it. You can feel heaven all around you. He was covered in that white film because he was so early but goodness was he precious. I thought he looked just like Owen. After a minute the nurse took him to clean him up and get his height and weight. 6 pounds 15 ounces, just like Nora! And 19 inches tall. They gave him back to me and we got to do skin to skin for a while and try breast feeding. After a while we were taken down to our recovery room and then we got to go watch him get his bath. After that Clark and I laid down for a little bit before Clark left to get the kids.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Probably the Only Pregnancy Post
Here I am almost 38 weeks and I haven't documented anything! I've let this little blog slip through my fingers the past few months, not necessarily because I've been busy, although I have been, but mostly just lazy and unmotivated. Ha ha. I'm hoping it's just one of those perks of being pregnant and will get better once this babe gets here, but I've had a hard time mustering up the energy for anything.. Cleaning, my church calling, cooking dinners... You name it I probably don't do it. So anyway, here is one of those lame pregnancy questionnaires just for documenting sakes ;)
How far along: 37 weeks & 3 days ( although the picture is from a week ago)
Total weight gain: too much. I can't remember my exact pre pregnancy weight but I've gained around 30 pounds.
Maternity clothes: oh yes! When I was pregnant with Nora I refused to buy any maternity clothes and I felt uncomfortable and fat the whole time so I did it different this time around. I've been exclusively in maternity pants since at least 20 weeks.
Stretch marks: just the ones around my hips I got with my first pregnancy.
Sleep: sleep? I don't sleep that great. I get up a couple times to pee, and to give Nora her binky. But I do usually get a nap every day while Nora naps and Owen watches tv.
Miss anything: just being able to walk normal and pick things up.
Movement: not so much. This baby is super mellow. At first it made me nervous but now I'm used to it. I'll feel little movements during the day and sometimes when I'm relaxing at night I'll feel some good kicks. The doctor says the head is sitting super low so when he/she does move I can definitely feel it "down there" which isn't the most fun.
Food cravings: not really. I do love a big glass of milk. That's all I can think of.
Anything making you feel quesy or sick: nope. When I first found out I was pregnant we had just moved into our new house so all those "new house" smells made me super quesy. And all my scentsy scents. And most soaps. I did love the smell of coconut though. And I couldn't stand soda. But I'm over it.
Symptoms: Heartburn, leg cramps, the muscles on the top of my stomach HURT, the doctor says it's from my belly weighing them down ha! Swollen feet, and just being uncomfortable in general.
Are you showing: uh yeah. Ha ha I started to show super early.
Gender: we don't know, and I'm dying to find out!
Labor signs: Braxton hicks. At my last appointment the doctor said I was dialated to a 1-2 and 80% effaced. And like I said before, the head is super low so sometimes I feel like he/she is just going to fall out. TMI?
Innie or outie: full blown outie.
Wedding rings on or off: off. Which is sad because I just got a new band and I can't even wear it. And my feet are so swollen too.
Happy or moody most of the time: moody but I think that's just normal for me. Ha ha!
Looking forward to: seeing this baby! I want to know if it's a boy or girl and how much hair he/she has.
This pregnancy has been stressful with taking care of two kids and trying to get our house done. I feel like I haven't been able to enjoy it as much, but we moved into the addition last week and things have started to slow down slightly so hopefully I'll really be able to relax and enjoy these last couple of weeks.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Nora is ONE!

I can't believe you are already one!! Maybe it's the fact that you look like a six monther with your bald head and two teeth or maybe it's the fact that I feel so guilty about making you grow into a big sister so soon but I think you will always be my baby. I love your little, tiny newborn feet and your deep, man laugh and your big, beautiful eyes. Oh Nora, you will never know just how much you have brought to our family. You and Owen are so different in so many ways and we cherish each of your unique qualities. You are such a people person! You haven't had the slightest bit of stranger danger and if there is anyone else around you'd pick them over your momma. But your favorite person is your Grandma. You give smiles away so freely and everyone that meets you falls in love. And you are the wildest thing I know. You love when your dadda plays rough with you, and I think he loves it even more. You love to go, go, go. You are in your element when you get to roam free and explore, and you don't like to be held too much. And you don't let anything get in the way of what you're after. You love playing with your brother. Oh goodness, do you love your brother. I hope you always do. I love you so much sweetheart, and I'm so glad you're mine. Happy Birthday!
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