Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Big Brother

I have been so incredibly proud of how well Owen has adjusted to having Nora around. He was born to be a big brother. I did not want to push her on him at all so when he came to the hospital the day Nora was born and he didn't want anything to do with her that was fine. He was out if his element and I could tell he was nervous. We set him on my bed with me and Nora and he just wanted down. Clark sat with him and Nora in the chair and he kept saying "Dada want down. Want down." So we let it go. It didn't take very long before he started showing interest in her though. First only when she was sitting in her little bassinet he would peek in and give her a little kiss. And then he climbed up on my bed while I was holding her and said "hold 'em, rock 'em" (he hadn't started saying "her" at that point) and so I put her in his arms and he rocked her a little and then gave her a kiss on the forehead. 
Since then he has really been perfect. I don't have to worry about him around her at all. He cares about her enough to stop what he's doing every once in a while to come over and say in his oh-so-cute giddy voice "Nora! Baby Nora!" And give her a kiss and go back to whatever he was doing but he hasn't smothered her. And there's only been a few times that he's tried to give her away or tells me to put her down (which about breaks my heart) 
It makes my heart about explode thinking about how sweet he is to her and how fun it's going to be to watch them grow together.  Sometimes I'll walk away for a second and turn around to see him laying right next to her, putting his face right up to hers and saying things to her quietly that I can't hear, I'm sure he's telling her his "secrets" (I love you). Or he'll be touching her feet or arm or hands ever so gently. He loves her so much :) 
Nora sure lucked out getting Owen as a brother, and I sure lucked out getting them both as my babies. 

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