Friday, February 8, 2013

A day in the life of a stay at home mom

I have been so grateful to be able to stay home with Owen the past month and I hope I will be able to forever, and not have to work. What I didn't realize is it's a job in itself.

Staying home all day is hard!
Especially when it's cold outside.

Owen wakes up at 7. I love going in to get him from his crib because he gets so excited when he sees me. I bring him downstairs, give him a bottle and feed him breakfast. Then I let him play and I lay on the couch (lazy much??)

Clark comes down and we read scriptures and he leaves for work at 8:30. We play for 2 hours until nap time. We play with his toys, pull DVDs out, read stories, climb stairs, explore each room, look in the mirror, watch Yo Gabba Gabba. Finally at 10:15 I give him a bottle and put him down for a nap.

I try to exercise, shower, clean a little bit. But in all honesty sometimes I end up napping too.

Owen wakes up between 11:30 and 12 and we repeat. Counting down until Clark comes home for lunch at 1.

Owen goes down for another nap at 2:30 and I clean one thing (the bathroom, the floors, the kitchen) and then I watch tv or read. When Owen wakes up we try to get out of the house. We go to the store or my families house. We visit friends. We try to do something.

We wait for Clark to come home at 6. Finally. If he's even a few minutes late I start to get anxious. We have dinner, then feed Owen dinner and get him ready for bed. He goes down at 7:30 and we clean up, pick up his toys and do his baby dishes.

Then we're stuck at home for the night. Sometimes Clark does homework and sometimes we watch something on Netflix. We go to bed at 10.

Then we repeat.

I can't wait for it to warm up. We need to get out of this house!! I'm so excited to go for walks, play on the play ground, go to the swimming pool, go to the zoo, soak up the sun.

I love my new job. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you posted this! I always like to hear what people do all day. This sounds a lot like our days. If we lived in Utah we would hang out and let our babies nap together while we watched Gilmore Girls. And I'm glad you don't have to work anymore!
