Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Catch up time

When I started this blog I wanted to write everything down that happened with Owen, now I'm already falling behind! We've had a great few months and Owen is getting so big!! Here are a few of his newest achievements:

•He started army crawling at about 7 months. Although he can really crawl now, he still usually prefers the army crawl if he wants to get somewhere quicker. It's the cutest thing watching him scoot around while trying to keep his toy, binky, or whatever in his hand.

•He finally started sleeping through the night at 9 months. 8-7 baby! Although he is having a hard time at the moment because he's a little sick :( I think sleeping is the hardest thing about having a baby. I don't do good without my sleep. But I think his sleeping habits need a post for itself :)

• He's been on a pretty good napping schedule since 6 1/2 months but now at 9 1/2 months he's finally napping in his crib!

• at 9 months he learned to crawl up stairs and and pull himself up on furniture.

• He is waving at 9 months and is really good at putting his binky in his mouth. He likes to try to put it in my mouth also.

• I thought he was teething at 8 months because he was fussy a lot, wouldn't sleep, and his shirt was always soaking with drool. No teeth yet, though.

• We stopped breast feeding at 8 1/2 months. I take it back, sleeping isn't the hardest thing about having a baby, breast feeding is. I've never done anything harder. We had problems from the beginning and nothing can make you feel like a bigger failure than not being able to feed your baby. I was sad to be done, but relieved. I'm more glad to be done with pumping. I hated pumping.

I think that's about it... He continues to be such a good eater. He eats cereal and a whole jar of baby food for breakfast and dinner and another jar for lunch. Things just get easier and easier as time goes on. Everyone has their favorite baby stage, but I haven't found mine yet. Every new stage Owen comes to I like better than the one before.


  1. Oh my gosh I can't tell you how much I liked this post. I'm so glad that Owen is sleeping through the night. I don't think that I have ever been tireder than with Benson and I like to hear about it when other babies are sleeping through the night because it means that someday I will again too! :) And also I still dislike breastfeeding. I wish I loved it. But I'm already wishing that we just did formula. Good thing we love our little guys so much. It makes it worth it!

  2. It took him long enough! I bet Benson will start sleeping through the night way before Owen did. I don't know what changed or why he started to, he just did. But I already can't imagine how I got up so much before so he better keep doing it!
    I wished we just did formula the whole time too, but I really do think breastfeeding is so much better even if it is only some of the time because as soon as we stopped nursing for good Owen got really sick and I think that's why! So it's worth it!
