Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Baby James turns ONE

Well, our baby is one! And I'm only a month late with this post! I'm not going to lie, it took me a couple minutes to ever remember how to start a new post. This poor little blog is falling behind!
But back to the boy of the hour... James! How can it possibly be that he has been in our lives for over a year now??! It blows my mind.
His party was so fun! I love having more family living around to make birthday parties more lively.

Dear Jamers,
You are ONE! Holy Moly, what a quick year that was! You came into our family at a crazy time. We had been living in the tiniest house and had just finished the addition a week before you were born. But from the moment I knew about you, you belonged. You were meant to be a part of our family and you filled a hole none of us even knew was there. You are my little baby. my "forever baby" I call you. You stayed in the newborn stage what seemed like forever. When your cousins Easton and Beth came and visited when you were all around 4 and 5 months old, they were NOT newborns. But you were. You were perfectly content to lay there and sleep. I carried you around like a newborn waaay longer than most babies would let me. But I absolutely loved it. And now at one you don't show any interest in walking, and you have no teeth (well, you do now. but when you turned one you didn't, so let's just pretend I was on top of writing this letter!) If anyone tries to guess your age they are always way off. You just seem so much younger. You will always, always be my baby. You are my first baby to make it one year (and beyond!) with breastfeeding, and I am so proud of us for that! You are such a mommies boy and it couldn't make me more proud. If you have the choice you (usually) choose me. When dad gets home from work you usually avoid his eyes and when he picks you up you immediately reach for me. But you do love your dad. No one can get you laughing like he can. You are my snuggle bug. Everyone comments how much they love when they pick you up and you instantly lay your head on their shoulder. But for such a snuggle bug you sure hate sleeping in mom and dads bed at night. Whenever you are having a rough night and I try to bring you into our bed, you toss and turn and kick and reach your arms out to feel my face. All. Night. Long. You are so so so sweet. everything about you is sweet. From the way you melt into my body when I hold you, to the way you give me kisses, to the way you just want me to hold you, to the way you cry when you hear loud noises. You're just such a tender heart. But your silly side has started making an appearance and it couldn't make me happier. You love clenching your fists and tensing until your whole body starts to shake to make everyone laugh. You love playing peek a boo, even though you haven't quit figured out how to cover your eyes and usually just put your hands on top of your head instead. Your favorite game is sitting on the couch while mom or dad crawls around and jumps up to get you. You laugh and laugh and laugh. I love how excited you can get. I've been trying to get you to stand up on your own but every time I stand you up and start counting, by the time I get to three and let go you are so excited that you lose all control and fall right down. The other day at the park you were on the playground and I was playing with you between the bars and you got so excited and lost all control and tumbled down the stairs. It was sad but I couldn't help but giggle at how cute you were. You love feeling like a big boy. When I set you in the front seat of the car, or let you swing on the big kid swing (while I hold onto you, of course) you smile from ear to ear. You watch your big sister and brother and your cousins and you want to be doing what they are doing. Soon enough, you will be running right along with them. But for now, I am soaking up every bit of my baby James that I can get. I love you so much!