Sunday, June 12, 2016

Nora turns TWO!

My Nora girl,
You're two years old! I couldn't be more in love with the girl you are growing up to be. You are so full of sass. You've already got a full eye roll going on and one of your favorite words is no. All your facial expressions kill me. You've got the cutest little petite body with a big ol' belly. When you build a tower with blocks you stand up and say "uh ohhhh" and then bump your belly into it to knock it down. You've been known to use that belly to hit your big brother with, too. And can we just take a moment to talk about your bum? I know this is going to embarrass you someday but one of my favorite things is watching your nakey bum as you run for the bath. It's just so cute. People ask me all the time if I've cut you hair because your once crazy mullet has grown into the perfect natural side swept bangs with perfect little curls in back. And your voice!  When you were 18 months old I took you into the doctor so worried because you could only say two words and now you have a vocabulary of more words than I can count. I still can't tell the difference between "bink" and "drink" ("dink") or the difference between fork and work ("towk"). I love that you have never called James by his name. It's always "beeb!" When he is doing something that you don't approve of it's "BEEB! BEEEEEEEB!"  And Owen is "Oh-hen!" and boy do you love your big brother. He calls you "such a little copy cat". You could follow him around all day doing everything he is doing. When we are eating a meal I see you watching him. When he takes a drink, you take a drink. When he dances, you dance. When he falls down, you fall down. When he laughs, you laugh. You want to be just like him and I think it's so sweet. I love that you think the sole purpose of pockets is to hold candy. The moment you reach down and notice that the pants you are wearing have pockets you get so excited "pocket?! Nany!!" You love to sit on laps. I can count the seconds between when we all sit down for dinner to when you are shoving your plate and cup towards mom or dad saying "lap! Llllllap!"  And you love Curious George so much. You are constantly bringing me the tv remote begging for "OoOoAhAh! OoOoAhhhhhhAhhhh!" Oh, I'm going to miss my little one year old Nora but I think Owen is right when he says that he thinks I will like little two year old Nora, too. 
Love you to the moon!
