I can't believe you are already one!! Maybe it's the fact that you look like a six monther with your bald head and two teeth or maybe it's the fact that I feel so guilty about making you grow into a big sister so soon but I think you will always be my baby. I love your little, tiny newborn feet and your deep, man laugh and your big, beautiful eyes. Oh Nora, you will never know just how much you have brought to our family. You and Owen are so different in so many ways and we cherish each of your unique qualities. You are such a people person! You haven't had the slightest bit of stranger danger and if there is anyone else around you'd pick them over your momma. But your favorite person is your Grandma. You give smiles away so freely and everyone that meets you falls in love. And you are the wildest thing I know. You love when your dadda plays rough with you, and I think he loves it even more. You love to go, go, go. You are in your element when you get to roam free and explore, and you don't like to be held too much. And you don't let anything get in the way of what you're after. You love playing with your brother. Oh goodness, do you love your brother. I hope you always do. I love you so much sweetheart, and I'm so glad you're mine. Happy Birthday!