Easter this year was a good one! But how could it not be celebrating the Saviors resurrection on the same weekend general conference fell on. We had the annual Sam Easter party at my parents house on Saturday and the Menlove one at my Grandparents on Sunday. On Easter morning Owen was so excited to find the eggs and Easter baskets hidden around the house for him and Nora, although he wasn't too impressed that the Easter eggs had the same candy from the egg hunt the day before (oops. I didn't think he'd notice! He's getting too smart). Nora obviously had a ball playing with eggs and eating too much candy. On Easter Sunday after they had opened their baskets we walked right next door to my parents and had a yummy breakfast of waffle love copycat waffles and watched conference.
A few weeks after Easter Clark and I talked in church and the topic we were given was Easter and the resurrection. I loved preparing for my talk and learning so much more about the real reason behind Easter and gaining a stronger testimony that all that I have truly is because of Him and His ultimate gift to us. It makes me so happy to know that I get to be with this crazy little family of mine forever, and that there will be no end.