I can't believe we've hit the half year mark. I can't even talk about it, it's too crazy.
At 6 months Nora...
::: Weighs 15 pound 15 ounces (43 percentile)
::: Is 25.75 inches long (38th percentile)
::: Has the teeniest, tiniest feet. I had to special order her some shoes and the lady could not believe they were for a 6 month old, she was so worried they wouldn't fit! but yep, they did. With room to grow!
::: Can sit up for a little bit in her own (until she decides she needs to reach for something. Which is always)
::: like I said above, she grabs EVARYTHANG that comes remotely close to her. If she gets a hold of it, it goes straight to her mouth.
::: Her favorite toys are the ones that make noise.
::: We borrowed a jumparoo from our neighbors and she loves it! She especially loves when her brother tries to show her how to jump. She laughs and laughs.
::: It's impossible to keep her on her back. She instantly flips right over to her belly every time.
::: We learned we can't leave her in her bouncer not strapped in when she somehow wriggled her way out and scraped her head on the filing cabinet. It's still a mystery to me.
::: She is so happy all the time. We get comments all the time like "does she ever cry?!" Yes. Yes she does.
::: She's (finally!) started sleeping pretty good at night. She still wakes up once a night, anywhere from 1-6 and then usually sleeps until 9:30 ish.
::: Usually takes 3 naps a day. One an hour or so after she wakes up, one in the afternoon (I try to get it as close to Owen's nap as possible) and one around 6.
::: Eats one meal of rice cereal or oatmeal and half a jar of baby food per day. She loves it. She's tried all the vegetables that are offered in stage 1 and peaches and bananas.
::: LOVES food. She has to be at the table when we are eating and begs for tastes of everything. We have yet to find anything she doesn't like. (Actually she does not like the medicine we gave her yesterday for the first time)
6 months calls for a letter
Nora Girl,
I can't even begin to tell you what a joy it is to have you in our family. You have fit in perfectly and I already can't imagine life without you. I can tell you are going to be a trouble maker. You get into everything and I know it's just going to get worse as you get more mobile. I love watching the relationship between you and your brother grow, nothing makes me happier than seeing you two laughing and playing. I absolutely love how much you love food and how excited you get when I finally give in and give you a taste of whatever I'm eating, you'll play around with it with your tongue and then you'll smile and giggle. I love when you open your mouth for a bite your tongue sticks straight out. And I love how you growl when you are happy and roll your tongue when you are upset. I love how I can tell you are trying to get someone's attention sitting behind us at church and I can tell exactly when they look at you because you break into the biggest smile and then bury your face in my neck. Everyone who meets you loves you. It's only been six months and you've already changed our lives big! I love you something fierce, sweet pumpkin!