Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nora Eats Cereal

For the past few weeks we've been able to tell Nora was ready to eat some solids. She gets really frustrated when we are all around the table eating without her. So at her 4 month check up we got the okay to start her on some cereal! She loves it! You can tell by the pictures, at first she was playing it cool, all "yeah, this is alright" but by the last picture she couldn't help but show her excitement. 

She would kick her legs and get super excited with each bite. She is just so cute! So far she isn't a fan of squash but loved sweet potatoes!

And here's another picture for your viewing pleasure, because everytime I look at it I laugh and laugh and laugh...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Nora: 4 months

Can you believe our little Nora Girl is already 4 months old?! I've never wanted time to stop as badly as I do right now. What I wouldn't give to stay 25 with a cute little two year old Owen Pants and a sweet little baby Nora. But I can't help but love watching them grow and learn.
At four months old Nora...

::: weighs 14 pounds 2 ounces (46 %ile)
::: is 24.5 inches long (48 %ile) 
::: rolled over twice from her belly to her back (on her 4 month birthday!)
::: Still isn't a fan of tummy time
::: LOVES any attention she can get. All you have to do is look at her to get her smiling and kicking. 
::: Giggles when tickled, or when her brother shakes her bouncer while she's sitting in it. 
::: has such a silly personality. She loves to scream at the top of her lungs and is so playful already!
::: Sits perfectly in the bumbo seat and walker
::: Loves playing with toys and looking at books
::: Loves watching TV
::: Loves her wubbanub, won't take any other binky. 
::: Loves to be kissed
::: Pretty much loves everything. She is such an easy going kid! 
::: Anything she can get her hands on goes straight to her mouth. 
::: Gets so excited watching us eat, she kicks and watches us so closely and mimicks us chewing (I think she's ready for some solids!) 
::: Generally takes 3 naps a day, the afternoon one being the longest. 
::: Still no change at night... Sigh
::: Her favorites are bath time, watching Owen play and being tossed (lightly) in the air. 
::: My favorites are her chunky thighs, the way she arches her back as soon as you unbuckle her seatbelt, her cute little noises when she chatters, the way she sucks her bottom lip, and pretty much everything about her. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Random Day at the Park

So the other day we were having a rough day! We've been in a funk where we have a really hard time getting up and going in the morning! We usually don't leave the house until noon or later if we leave at all! So we were having a day like that. Luckily, though, we have an awesome aunt Hannah who will meet us at the park when we need to get out of the house and who will play with Owen and give me some grown up conversation. What will we do when she leaves us?! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Onion Days '14

You know Payson Onion Days is one of my favorite holidays, and I will always live close enough to participate in all the fun traditions. :) this year was exceptionally fun because Owen is getting old enough to really enjoy the parade and rides, and everything is more fun with Nora around.

We started things out on Thursday with the free concert at Peteetneet. To be honest, I can't even remember the name of the band. Reckless Hearts, maybe? But we had fun hanging out and eating pizza. 

On Friday we had the annual Fiesta, which is my very favorite thing. So much yummy food!! Then we went to watch the fire works, which both the kids we're mesmerized by. 
On Saturday we drove to yuba to go boating. Owen even went in the tube, and the ski doos! And, yep, you guessed it, Nora slept almost the entire time. 

Then that evening we took Owen to the carnival. Rissy was such a trooper to go on the kiddy rides. 

Sunday we went to the band concert in the park. We sat on blankets, ate popcorn, horsed around, rolled down the hill, and listened to no music.

And on Monday we went to the parade, had a BBQ at my family's house and then walked through the booths at the park where both the kids passed out from a very long and exciting weekend. 

The Zoo with Two

So we went to the zoo a while ago, like months ago. Owen liked it so much better than when we went a year ago. He loved seeing all the animals. I think his favorite was the bears. Nora slept pretty much the whole time in her sling, and I only had to feed her once so I'd call that a success. My parents and Rissy came with. We are so lucky to get to use Grandpa Sams season pass so we don't have to feel pressured to stay a long time or to see every single animal. We only walked through half of them probably, then rode the train and left. It was perfect.