Owen was blessed on May 6th by his daddy. It was Clark's very first oppurtunity to give a blessing as a dad and he did such a great job! Owen, the little stinker, cried through the whole thing and made Clark have a hard time concentrating but you could tell he was trying hard to listen to the spirit and still was able to say what he needed to say. I am so lucky to have a husband who holds the priesthood and I am so proud of what a great job he did!
I am also so lucky to have so much family close who is always so supportive. I am not sure if I remember everyone who stood in the circle but among them were: My dad, Travis, Uncle Dan, Owen's Grandpa Bob and Great Grandpa Sam, Clark's Dad and Grandpa, Clark's cousins Matt and Sean, and Gus and Clint...
Afterwards we all gathered at my familys house for BBQ pork sandwiches, salads, and desserts. My parents were awesome and pretty much planned the whole thing, made the pork, and let us have it at their house. They are awesome.
He LOVED getting dressed in his blessing outfit. not!
Proud momma
It only looks like Clark is trying to suffocate him. He was really just holding his binky in.
My family
Grandma and Grandpa Menlove were so proud
I was so glad Great Grandpa Sam and Grandma Bennie could come
G.G. and Grandpa Bob
(Don't ask me why Clark and I are posing so weird. I have no idea why Clark is turned sideways and I look like I've never held a baby before.)
The gang at My family's house afterwards.
The best friends in the whole world.
Four Generations of Drishinskis.