A Very Merry Unbirthday to you!
I can't believe we've hit the half year mark! It's the milestone that seemed SO far away, I never thought it would sneak up so fast. My sweet, sleepy newborn baby turned into a colicky, crying baby who turned into the funnest and happiest little 6 monther I've ever seen.
And he is growing so big!! He now weighs 17 pounds and is 25 inches long. Which puts him in the 50th percentile for weight and 25th for height. Poor little boy is going to be a shorty. Luckily, the doctors office was out of a couple of his vaccinations so he got out of that today.
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Owen is now a sitter. What?! |
Now I will to copy my awesome sister
Amy Jo and write a letter. Cuz of all the great ideas she has, this is her best.
Owen Wade,
I can't believe you are already
6 months old! It came up so fast, but then again I feel like you have always been my
little boy. You are seriously my sunshine. You make me so
happy and I can't help but smile when I see your cute gummy
smile. I love it when I say your name and you look around the room for my face. I love how anxious you are to
grow. I can see you looking at older kids and wanting to be doing what they are doing. You want to be
going! I know when you learn to crawl you will be everywhere! I love how cuddly you are sometimes. You have to be in the right mood, but when you are you are my little
cuddle bug and I love it! I love how you try to grab
EVERYTHING! The first thing you do when I set you down is look around for what can get your hands on. I love how you play with my hair, but I don't love when you pull it! I love how excited you get when you see your bottle, you are such a
good eater! And you know, I don't even mind getting up with you
umpteen times each and every night. Because you're
worth it. You are the best first son I could have asked for. You let me
learn, and make
mistakes, and you
forgive me when I do the wrong thing. This has been the best 6 months, and I can't wait for you to
grow and
learn. I'm so excited to see the boy you grow up to be. If it's anything like the baby you are, you're gonna be one
smart and
good lookin' kid. I love you!